24 Jun 2020

Welcome to TKVTV: 取引量No.1! *当社比

Huge thanks to HTML5 UP for making this awesome template! Let's see what it can do

How to Use This Theme

Just go ahead and read up on how to install Jekyll. It’s not too hard I promise!

Download this repository here and save it to any folder you want.

Open a terminal window or a command line and cd to that location.

Then enter: bundle exec jekyll serve. You can now access your new Jekyll site from Have fun exploring your new site!


Auto-Generating Sitemap

The sitemap is auto generated! Just simply change the front matter of each site. It looks like so…

    priority: 0.7
    lastmod: 2017-11-02
    changefreq: weekly

Formspring integration

The contact form below each page on the footer actually collects information! Just change your email address in the _config.yml file!