Adminpro - Adminpro Admin Template

Created: 04/11/2018
Latest Update: 04/11/2018
By: Colorlib

Thank you for purchasing our theme. If you have any question, please feel free to contact us from here.

Main File Structure

All the file are well organized, its so easy to work with.
1. Unzip the files.
2. Open "Adminpro" folder.
You will find the html markup file on the root that will be edited.
Also you will see 4 directories, css, js, fonts and images.
In the first folder Content only styling files the all the other files expect the htmls.
Js folder contain only the jquery library. Fonts folder contain essetial font files for fonts.

  • green-horizotal
    • css
      • animation
        • animation-custom.css
      • bootstrap-select
        • bootstrap-select.css
      • c3
        • c3.min.css
      • chosen
        • chosen.css
      • code-editor
        • ambiance.css
        • codemirror.css
      • color-picker
        • farbtastic.css
      • cropper
        • cropper.min.css
      • datapicker
        • datepicker3.css
      • dialog
        • dialog.css
        • sweetalert2.min.css
      • dropzone
        • dropzone.css
      • jvectormap
        • jquery-jvectormap-2.0.3.css
      • meanmenu
        • meanmenu.min.css
      • metisMenu
        • metisMenu.min.css
        • metisMenu-vertical.css
      • notification
        • notification.css
      • scrollbar
        • jquery.mCustomScrollbar.min.css
      • summernote
        • summernote.css
      • wave
        • button.css
        • waves.min.css
      • animate.css
      • bootstrap.min.css
      • font-awesome.min.css
      • jquery.dataTables.min.css
      • main.css
      • normalize.css
      • Adminpro-custom-icon.css
      • owl.carousel.css
      • owl.theme.css
      • owl.transitions.css
      • responsive.css
      • themesaller-forms.css
    • fonts
      • FontAwesome.otf
      • fontawesome-webfont.ttf
      • fontawesome-webfont.woff
      • glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff
      • Adminpro-icon.eot
      • Adminpro-icon.svg
      • Adminpro-icon.ttf
      • Adminpro-icon.woff
    • img
      • blog
        • 1.jpg
      • country
        • 1.png
        • 2.png
        • 3.png
      • cropper
        • 1.jpg
      • dialog
        • like.png
      • logo
        • logo.png
        • favicon.png
      • post
        • 1.jpg
        • 2.jpg
        • 3.jpg
      • search-engines
        • baidu.png
        • bing.png
        • duckduckgo.png
        • google.png
        • yahoo.png
        • yandex.png
      • widgets
        • 2.png
        • 4.png
        • 6.png
      • chosen-sprite.png
      • favicon.ico
      • green1.png
    • js
      • animation
        • animation-active.js
      • bootstrap-select
        • bootstrap-select.js
      • charts
        • area-chart.js
        • bar-chart.js
        • Chart.js
        • line-chart.js
      • chat
      • chosen
        • chosen.jquery.js
      • code-editor
        • code-editor.js
        • code-editor-active.js
        • codemirror.js
      • color-picker
        • color-picker.js
        • farbtastic.min.js
      • counterup
        • counterup-active.js
        • jquery.counterup.min.js
        • waypoints.min.js
      • data-map
        • bootstrap3-typeahead.min.js
        • d3.min.js
        • datamaps.all.min.js
        • data-maps-active.js
        • topojson.js
      • cropper
        • cropper.min.js
        • cropper-actice.js
      • data-map
        • d3.min.js
        • datamaps.all.min.js
        • data-maps-active.js
        • topojson.js
      • datapicker
        • bootstrap-datepicker.js
        • datepicker-active.js
      • data-table
        • data-table-act.js
        • jquery.dataTables.min.js
      • dialog
        • dialog-active.js
        • sweetalert2.min.js
      • dropzone
        • dropzone.js
      • easytopie
        • jquery.easypiechart.min.js
        • salvattore.min.js
      • flot
        • analtic-flot-active.js
        • chart-tooltips.js
        • curvedLines.js
        • flot-active.js
        • flot-widget-anatic-active.js
        • jquery.flot.js
        • jquery.flot.orderBars.js
        • jquery.flot.pie.js
        • jquery.flot.resize.js
        • jquery.flot.time.js
        • jquery.flot.tooltip.min.js
      • google.maps
        • google.maps2-active.js
        • google.maps-active.js
      • icheck
        • icheck.min.js
        • icheck-active.js
      • jvectormap
        • jvectormap-active.js
        • jquery-jvectormap-world-mill-en.js
        • jquery-jvectormap-2.0.2.min.js
      • knob
        • jquery.appear.js
        • jquery.knob.js
        • knob-active.js
      • login
        • login-action.js
      • meanmenu
        • jquery.meanmenu.js
      • metisMenu
        • metisMenu.min.js
        • metisMenu-active.js
      • notification
        • bootstrap-growl.min.js
        • notification-active.js
      • rangle-slider
        • jquery-ui-1.10.4.custom.min.js
        • jquery-ui-touch-punch.min.js
        • rangle-active.js
      • scrollbar
        • jquery.mCustomScrollbar.concat.min.js
      • sparkline
        • jquery.sparkline.min.js
        • sparkline-active.js
      • summernote
        • summernote.min.js
        • summernote-active.js
        • summernote-updated.min.js
      • todo
        • jquery.todo.js
      • vendor
        • jquery-1.12.4.min.js
        • modernizr-2.8.3.min.js
      • wave
        • wave-active.js
        • waves.min.js
      • wizard
        • jquery.bootstrap.wizard.min.js
        • wizard-active.js
      • bootstrap.min.js
      • jasny-bootstrap.min.js
      • jquery.scrollUp.min.js
      • jquery-price-slider.js
      • main.js
      • owl.carousel.min.js
      • plugins.js
      • wow.min.js
    • index.html
    • index-2.html
    • index-3.html
    • index-4.html
    • 404.html
    • accordion.html
    • alert.html
    • analytics.html
    • animations.html
    • area-charts.html
    • bar-charts.html
    • buttons.html
    • code-editor.html
    • color.html
    • compose-email.html
    • contact.html
    • data-map.html
    • data-table.html
    • dialog.html
    • dropdown.html
    • flot-charts.html
    • form-components.html
    • form-elements.html
    • form-examples.html
    • image-cropper.html
    • inbox.html
    • invoice.html
    • line-charts.html
    • login-register.html
    • modals.html
    • normal-table.html
    • notification.html
    • popovers.html
    • tabs.html
    • tooltips.html
    • typography.html

HTML Structure

The base structure was organized by row, col-** class

    <div class="container">
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-xs-12">
                <div class="logo">
                    <a href="dashboard.html">
                        <img src="img/logo.png" alt="">
            </div><!-- column end -->
        </div> <!-- row end -->
    </div> <!-- container end -->


# Plugin Name Description
1 Chart Simple yet flexible JavaScript charting for designers & developersand read more
2 Chosen Chosen is a jQuery plugin that makes long and read more
3 Colorpicker Satisfied with the solutions available for colorpicking and read more
4 counterup COUNTER-UP JQUERY PLUGIN and read more
5 Cropper A simple jQuery image cropping plugin and read more
6 Data Map HTML5 maps look gorgeous on iPhones, Android devices and iPads read more
7 Datepicker Bootstrap-datepicker provides a flexible datepicker widget in the Bootstrap style and read more
8 Flot Chart Flot is a pure JavaScript plotting library for jQuery, with a focus on simple usage, attractive looks and interactive features and Read More
9 Google Maps All of the examples contained in the Google Maps JavaScript API documentation set are listed below for quick reference and Read More
11 RangeSlider Ion.RangeSlider 2.2.0. jQuery-plugin Easy, flexible and responsive range slider with skin support and Read More
12 jvectormap JavaScript-based jVectorMap uses only native browser technologies like JavaScript, CSS, HTML, SVG or VML and Read More
13 Mapael Ease the build of pretty data visualizations on dynamic vector maps and Read More
14 Sparklines This jQuery plugin generates sparklines (small inline charts) directly in the browser using data supplied either inline in the HTML, or via javascript and Read More
15 TouchSpin A mobile and touch friendly input spinner component for Bootstrap 3. It supports the mousewheel and the up/down keys and Read More
16 Data Table An extended Bootstrap table with radio, checkbox, sort, pagination, and other added features and Read More
17 Custom scrollbar Highly customizable custom scrollbar jQuery plugin. Features include vertical and/or horizontal scrollbar(s), adjustable scrolling momentum, mouse-wheel and Read More
18 Summernote Customize by Initializing various options and modules and Read More

Tinymc Editor Structure

Quick start

Copy-paste the stylesheet "link" into your "head" before all other stylesheets to load our CSS.

	<!-- summernote CSS
		============================================ -->
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/summernote.css">

The end of your pages, right before the closing "body" tag. Be sure to place js first, as our JavaScript plugins depend on them.

	<!-- summernote JS
		============================================ -->
        <script src="js/summernote.min.js"></script>
        <script src="js/summernote-active.js"></script>
    <div class="tinymce-single nt-mg-b-30">
		<div class="alert-title">
			<h2>Basic Summernote WYSIWYG editor</h2>
			<p>The fastest way to get Summernote WYSIWYG editor is powerfull JavaScript plugin. you can easily maintance typography system.</p>
		<div id="summernote1">


Thank you for reading the documentaion. If you still have any question or any problem, please contact with us. We will give you best support. Thanks.

Sliders Structure

The base structure was organized by row, col-** class
    <!-- code will be here -->