
HOSTS Concatenation Script

This is a node.js script that reads host names from input host files and concatenates all host names to a final build file without duplicate entries to be used as a hosts file on a system, intended for blocking network connections, specifically ads on the web.


These are available options that can be passed to the concat JS module.

    // folder to load hosts files from
    scanFrom : "./hosts",
    // final output file path
    saveTo : "./build/hosts.txt",
    // optional file with allowed hostnames
    allowHosts : "./allow.txt",
    // local IP to resolve to
    hostIp : "",
    // ip/host delimeter space
    lineSpace : "\t",
    // line break
    lineBreak : "\n",

NPM Usage

Once you have a few hosts files, or any text files that contain hosts entries similar to the format of a HOSTS file, place them in the ./hosts folder, then run the script:

npm run concat

Code usage

Using the contcat module manually.

// import module
var concat = require( "./concat" );
// register error event
concat.on( "error", function( error, options ){ /* ... */ } );
// register start event
concat.on( "start", function( options ){ /* ... */ } );
// register build filter event
concat.on( "build", function( data, options ){ return data; } );
// register finish event
concat.on( "finish", function( options ){ /* ... */ } );
// run script { /* options */ } );


Rainner Lins: @raintek_


Licensed under MIT.