JCB with 阪神タイガース
14 May 2015六甲颪に 颯爽と 蒼天翔ける 日輪の 青春の覇気 美しく 輝く我が名ぞ 阪神タイガース
オウ オウ オウオウ 阪神タイガース フレ フレフレフレ
闘志溌剌 起つや今 熱血既に 敵を衝く 獣王の意気 高らかに 無敵の我等ぞ 阪神タイガース
オウ オウ オウオウ 阪神タイガース フレ フレフレフレ
鉄腕強打 幾千度び 鍛えてこゝに 甲子園 勝利に燃ゆる 栄冠は 輝く我等ぞ 阪神タイガース
オウ オウ オウオウ 阪神タイガース フレ フレフレフレ
ろっこうおろしに さっそうと そうてんかける にちりんの せいしゅんのはき うるわしく かがやくわがなぞ はんしんタイガース オウ オウ オウオウ はんしんタイガース フレ フレフレフレ
とうしはつらつ たつやいま ねっけつすでに てきをつく じゅうおうのいき たからかに むてきのわれらぞ はんしんタイガース オウ オウ オウオウ はんしんタイガース フレ フレフレフレ
てつわんきょうだ いくちたび きたえてここに こうしえん しょうりにもゆる えいかんは かがやくわれら はんしんタイガース オウ オウ オウオウ はんしんタイガース フレ フレフレフレ
六甲颪 is a two-column Jekyll theme that’s ideal for websites that require a master-detail layout for viewing of content. It’s based on Poole, the Jekyll butler, and the Hyde theme.
I needed a two-column layout with a scrolling sidebar to publish my code cheatsheets, and found the Hyde Jekyll theme to be a good starting theme. To complement the color scheme of my main website, I customised the theme to make it look great in black background and changed the sidebar to display scrolling content. I created this theme because I can’t seem to find any good Jekyll theme with a master-detail layout. Hopefully, someone will find this useful as well in their own projects.
Built on Poole
Poole is the Jekyll Butler, serving as a foundation for creating Jekyll themes. Poole-based themes, such as BlackDoc here, include the following:
- Complete Jekyll setup included (layouts, config, 404, RSS feed, posts, and example page)
- Mobile friendly design and development
- Easily scalable text and component sizing with
units in the CSS - Support for a wide gamut of HTML elements
- Related posts (time-based, because Jekyll) below each post
- Syntax highlighting using Pygments (the Python-based code snippet highlighter)
BlackDoc Features
In addition to the features of Poole and Hyde, BlackDoc theme adds the following:
- Scrolling sidebar with a thin scrollbar to allow displaying of numerous top-level content.
- Elements and classes of the Hyde theme were updated to look great in black background. Check out the Theme Styles to see the stylings used in the theme.
Check out the Readme
of Poole and Hyde theme to learn more about the features.
Browser support
BlackDoc theme supports most modern browsers and only compatible with Internet Explorer 9 and above.
BlackDoc is a free Jekyll theme and hosted with GitHub. Head to the GitHub repository to download.