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Projects Data Table

ID Project Email Phone Company Completed Task Date Price Action
1 Web Development admin@uttara.com +8801962067309 Aber Ltd. 1/6 10% Jul 14, 2018 $5455
2 Graphic Design fox@itpark.com +8801762067304 Abitibi Inc. 230/360 70% fab 2, 2018 $8756
3 Software Development gumre@hash.com +8801862067308 Acambis plc 0.42/1.461 5% Seb 5, 2018 $9875
4 Woocommerce kyum@frok.com +8801962066547 ACLN Ltd. 2,7 15% Oct 10, 2018 $3254
5 Joomla jams@game.com +8801962098745 ACS-Tech Ltd. 200,133 80% Nov 20, 2018 $58745
6 Wordpress flat@yem.com +8801962254781 ActFits.com Inc. 0.42,1.051 30% Aug 25, 2018 $789879
7 Ecommerce hasan@wpm.com +8801962254863 ActivCard S.A. 2,7 15% July 17, 2018 $21424
8 Android Apps ATM@devep.com +8801962875469 Adecco S.A. 2,7 15% June 11, 2018 $78978
9 Prestashop presta@Prest.com +8801962067524 AEGON N.V. 2,7 15% May 9, 2018 $45645
10 Game Development Dev@game.com +8801962067457 Aerco Ltd. 2,7 15% April 5, 2018 $4564545
11 Angular Js gular@angular.com +8801962067124 Agrium Inc. 2,7 15% Dec 1, 2018 $645455
12 Opencart open@cart.com +8801962067587 Air Canada 2,7 15% Jan 6, 2018 $78978
13 Education john@example.com +8801962067471 Alcan Inc. 2,7 15% Feb 6, 2016 $456456
14 Construction mary@example.com +8801962012457 Alcatel 2,7 15% Jan 6, 2016 $87978
15 Real Estate july@example.com +8801962067309 Alstom 2,7 15% Dec 1, 2016 $454554
16 Personal Regume john@example.com +8801962067306 Altarex Corp. 2,7 15% May 9, 2016 $564555
17 Admin Template mary@example.com +8801962067305 Alvarion Ltd. 2,7 15% June 11, 2016 $454565
18 FrontEnd july@example.com +8801962067304 Amcor Ltd. 2,7 15% May 9, 2015 $456546
19 Backend john@range.com +8801962067303 Amdocs Ltd. 2,7 15% Feb 9, 2014 $564554
20 Java Advance lamon@ghs.com +8801962067302 Amersham plc 2,7 15% July 6, 2014 $789889
21 Jquery Advance hasad@uth.com +8801962067301 Amvescap plc 2,7 15% Jun 6, 2013 $4565656


Monica 10:15 am

Hi, what you are doing and where are you gay?

Mamun 10:10 am

Now working in graphic design with coding and you?

Monica 10:05 am

Practice in programming

Mamun 10:02 am

That's good man! carry on...